Surprisely Creative

A personality type is characterized by a person’s behaviors and attitude that is influenced socially and environmentally. A person can have an extroverted, introverted, ambivert, or omnivert personality type.

Personality Types

Extrovert: The personality type that tends to focus more outwardly toward others. Activeness, responsiveness, aggressiveness, and decisiveness are common characteristics.

Introvert: The personality type that tends to focus more inwardly towards self and inner thoughts. Quietness, reserved, contemplativeness, and procrastination are common characteristics.

Ambivert: The personality type that has characteristics of both, extrovert and introvert. These characteristics can be exhibited equally or lean towards one or the other depending on the situation.

Omnivert: The personality type lean where introversion and extroversion are used interchangeably, depending on the individual and situation.

Although there are several personality types, the focus of this post will be on the introvert personality and its impact on an individual’s life. This post is in no way everything you would need to know about personality types or the introvert personality type, but it provides a cursory view of introversion.

An individual’s personality type will dictate the individual’s life decisions, whether it is professional or recreational. For example, when a creator thinks about creative works of art, music, or writing, the creator’s personality doesn’t always shine through. Sometimes, you can make an assumption of the creator’s personality. However, in most cases, the creator’s personality is overshadowed by his or her artistic persona. For an introverted person, this artistic persona allows the creator to step outside of himself or herself to act in a manner that is contrary to the norm. For example, look at the entertainment industry. Majority of the actors, musicians, and content creators that are household names are introverts. For example, Tyler Perry, Jungkook of BTS, and Mark Zuckerberg are notable introverts. These exceptional people take on the personas necessary for their work, but in their day-to-day lives, they behave as typical introverts. They are reserved and quietly contemplating and working on their next offerings to their fans. Creativity and innovation take deep thought, reflection, and drive; all of which, are characteristics that introvert people inherently possess.

*Disclaimer: This blog post is only to be used for informational purposes only. We are not claiming to be experts. This is only our opinion.


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